Wise Projects

Preserving the Vajrayana NgalSo Ganden Nyengyu Lineage and educational projects- both Immaterially historical, traditional, archeological, cultural, Nature Conservation, Sanctuary and Sacred inheritance of Humanity- support in Categories:

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NgalSo education projects

NgalSo cultural projects

NgalSo Sangha projects

Tibetan healing methods

Cultural heritage

NgalSo Aid projects

Wise Projects Mani Bhadra Lama Gangchen Wise Projects Foundation
Our locationOur location
Main sponsor Mani Bhadra Phoenix Import
Part ofNgalSo Ganden Nyengyu Lineage
Wise Projects Mani Bhadra Lama Gangchen Wise Projects Foundation
NgalSo Ganden Nyengyu Lineage
Onze locatieWaar zijn wij te vinden?
Hoofdsponsor Mani Bhadra Phoenix Import

Onderdeel vanNgalSo Ganden Nyengyu Lineage

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Created by Peacedesign. All rights reserved 2020.